Stress in the Workplace

Effects of Stress in the Workplace

Work related stress affects most of the general public and although some stress is normal, at work, it can cause many problems.

So why are employees experiencing stress in the workplace?

  • When workers are given tasks and assignments to complete that are beyond limitations, knowledge, and job training.
  • From pressure to complete a workload in an unrealistic amount of time.
  • If they are not supported by team members, managers or other supervisors.
  • Poor work organization and limited resources.
  • When an employee feels undervalued or not rewarded for a job well done.
  • Let’s not forget the lack of ability to move about an office to stretch, get something to eat/drink or clear one’s mind.

A few of the negative effects that stress can cause are low concentration, low productivity, heightened risk of injury, physical illness, limited communication skills and low performance.

The World Health Organization stated that “There is often confusion between pressure or challenge and stress and sometimes it is used to excuse bad management practice.” When a company fails to recognize when its employees are feeling stressed, it can cost a company great amounts of money.

What a management team should be striving for is uniformity. A healthy work environment is termed as “one where the pressures on employees are appropriate in relation to their abilities and resources, to the amount of control they have over their work, and to the support they receive from people who matter to them.”

A stress-free solution for management teams to reduce stress is my corporate program. The program consists of an assessment of environmental stress factors, stress management programs are implemented and education is provided within the workplace. Having a professional workplace workshop will teach management how to recognize worker-related stress and perform practices that work. The overall work atmosphere and employee productivity will change for the better.

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