
Author Archives: doreenfishman

Living A Balanced Life

As my clients frequently hear me speaking about the importance of living a balanced lifestyle, I too have decided to make changes that will afford me a sense of balance and well-being in my own life.  I have presently restructured my business in order to recapture what is important to me.  So, after 2 ½ wonderful years in my West Hartford Center studio, I have decided to take a new office space that allows me the time to continue serving my clients, cultivating my writing and facilitating workshops and events both private and corporate.

My new office is located at 566 Prospect Avenue in Hartford, CT. For your convenience, free parking is located behind the office building.  My mailing address is PO Box 370416, West Hartford, CT, 06137, please send all direct mail to this address.

Don’t Miss the Boat…

When: Wednesday, June 8, 7:00 – 9:00pm West Hartford, CT.
Where: Doreen Fishman’s studio, 965 Farmington Ave., 2nd Floor, West Hartford, CT

Join Doreen Fishman RN, board certified holistic nurse and nationally certified hypnotherapist, along with  CT’s own WFSB, Channel 3 award winning Anchorwoman and co-host of Better CT, Kara Sundlun.  Enjoy an evening of light fare, laughter and meeting new acquaintances while being introduced to this enlightening opportunity.

The Norwegian Spirit will be our home base as we tour Caribbean Islands, once home to the Mayan People. In the evenings, while sailing the deep blue sea, we’ll get silly… and sacred. Share in inspiring events and fun activities that will deepen our self-awareness and our connections with each other, and expand our awareness of abundance in our lives! We encourage you to check out all the details on the site, and sign up as soon as possible. Space is limited and as you can imagine, it’s filling up fast!

We look forward to cruising with you into 2012!

For more information or to reserve your spot email: [email protected]


Doreen talks with Better CT’s Kara Sundlun about infertility.

Heal Your Heart

I couldn’t let heart healthy month go by without bringing to light some of the health issues associated with the heart and how you can prevent heart problems. February is heart healthy month; a time of physical and emotional healing.  Your heart is one of the most vital organs in the body.  It is paramount to the health and well being of the entire body that we maintain proper care of our heart.  We are all aware of the important role the heart plays. Our physical life would not be able to sustain itself without a functional heart.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In 2010, an estimated 785,000 Americans had a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 had a recurrent attack. About every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event, and about one every minute will die from one.

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Doreen gives Better CT’s Kara Sundlun & Scott a lesson on meditation.

The Secret

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